X Hashmojis

There’s nothing like adding a custom emoji to really personalize your brand’s X campaign! Our company works directly with X (formerly Twitter) to create hundreds of these “hashmojis” (so called because they append to the end of chosen hashtags and populate when #used within the X app), and over time we’ve become experts at learning the ins-and-outs of emoji creation to deliver the optimally readable and impactful emojis. These little assets can pack a powerful punch 🥊

View a curated selection of some of our favorites below!

The Process

Coke zero sketch
Coke Zero Can
In-situ on twitter feed


NFL x Netflix #NFLonNetflix

Reese’s Olympics #Reeses

Netflix #SquidGame

DraftKings #TeamLeBron

Netflix: Arcane #Jinx

Supermicro #Supermicro

Erling Haaland #Haaland

FritoLay #LaysGOALdenGiveaway

Magnum Thailand #MagnumTHxJackson

DraftKings #Slipsmas

OnePlus #BuilttoLast


Mountain Dew #HavingaBlast

WWE x Netflix #WWEonNetflix

Guinness stout

Guinness #GuinnessTime

Slack #UnlockingWork

Heineken #TakeaBowDF

a can of coke zero

Coca-Cola #NewCokeZero

North Face #MoreThanAJacket

Kraft #HelpYourself

AmazonUK #BlackFridayYeti

Klondike #4aKlondike100

Bravo #BelowDeckAdventure

Adidas #Speedportal

Royal Caribbean #RiseToTheVacation

Amazon #EpicDealsAmazon

UPS #ProudlyUnstoppable

Cheez-It #CheezItBowl




Client – X

All Artwork Belongs to their Respective Clients

Like what you see? Our team cannot wait to hear about your next big project. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Drop us a line